For more information, group study resources, or to inquire about scheduling a Journey to Authenticity or Journey to the Father speaking engagement with the Misars at your church or event, please send us a message:
The Need
Many pastors, churches, missionaries and Christian workers need real hands-on care. Often they feel isolated and alone with no ‘safe’ person to talk to. Pastors are leaving the ministry at an alarming rate. Often, great churches get stuck and need outside consultation to help them move forward. Eldership teams need teaching and coaching on critical leadership issues. Missionaries are crying out for on-site support, training and resourcing. Church affiliations and missions agencies are doing what they can, but much more help is needed for those on the front lines of Kingdom expansion! Who will be a pastor to pastors? Who will be on a mission for missionaries? How will churches in need receive personalized and timely input?The Call
God has called us to ‘Serve those who Serve, Minister to those who Minister and to Equip those who Equip.’ He has asked us to take what He has placed in our lives and leverage them to serve frontline leaders.In the Great Commission, Jesus told the disciples to go into the entire world and make disciples, baptize believers and teach them to obey His commands. God is calling us to be those who “GO” to the ends of the earth to teach and minister. The apostolic mandate He has given us is to “equip God’s people for works of service” (Ephesians 4) and to help them thrive on their spiritual journey!
Your Part
God is faithfully raising up individuals who are led to partner with Journey Ministries in prayer and financial support. Your partnership will help bring vital teaching and ministry to those in need of personal ministry, input and strengthening. Most leaders in developing countries cannot afford to bring in trans-local ministries. Other churches can barely cover traveling costs for visiting ministers. Yet this is where Journey Ministries is needed most!Would you prayerfully consider standing with Journey Ministries in prayer and financial partnership? Your involvement will allow us to be sent out to assist pastors, missionaries and church leaders around the globe.
We’d Love to Hear From You
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7081 Marsh Ridge Trl, Augusta, MI 49012
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Would you prayerfully consider standing with Journey Ministries in prayer and financial partnership? Your involvement will allow us to be sent out to assist pastors, missionaries and church leaders around the globe.