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Victoria’s Story
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Victoria’s Clients
After hearing Sonny teach about life stages for the first time; I told him he MUST turn this into a book because the Body of Christ could greatly benefit from these truths. And now he’s done it! Buy the copy you hold in your hand, grab a pen, find a comfortable chair, and prepare to learn volumes about yourself!
—Michael Fletcher, Sr. Pastor, Manna Church, Fayetteville, North Carolina
I have known Sonny Misar since he came as a student to Liberty Bible College in Pensacola, Florida. It didn’t take me long to see that there was something “special” about this man. I still see that in him. His new book Journey to Authenticity reveals much of the journey on which God has taken this wise pastor. Travel with Sonny in the pages of this book and discover your own area of “specialness” in Christ.
—Pastor Jim Darnell, Bible Conference Speaker, Martindale, Texas
Sonny Misar graduated with honors from Liberty Christian College, Pensacola, Florida in 1986. During his college career, he was an active member of Liberty Church in Pensacola. It was my privilege to be his Pastor during that period of his life. This book is a scholarly presentation of normal experiences in the stages of Christian growth. You will discover each stage to be enlightening, challenging, and clearly presented. I encourage every Christian soldier, and especially every minister of the gospel, to accept Sonny’s invitation to go with him on a journey of each and all of the seasons of his ministry. There is no doubt that you will be profited immensely in your study of his dramatic presentation of the common experiences of Christian growth. I highly recommend this book for every Christian’s library.
—Dr. Ken Sumrall, President and Founder, Christian Fellowship Network of Ministers and Churches, Pace, Florida
It has been said that every point of arrival is a point of departure. Pastor Sonny’s book, Journey to Authenticity, has come in due season as a vital resource that not only helps us to understand our location on the journey called life, but to better deal with the realities we face in the process of becoming. Journey to Authenticity is an excellent resource for the explorer-discoverer-learner, at every stage of life and it is as ideal for the beginner, as it is for the seasoned coach, mentor and counsellor. Firmly grounded in God’s word and drawing from experience forged in the crucible of life, it offers practical hints, tips and tools and that will help the reader-sojourner to anticipate and avoid the usual pitfalls, make better sense of the sometimes confusing patterns that inevitably arise, and navigate, with greater confidence and assurance, the various stages of spiritual identity development. I wholeheartedly recommend this book.
—Emmanuel Mbakwe, National Leader, The Apostolic Church, United Kingdom, London, England
I was delighted to read Sonny Misar’s book, Journey to Authenticity for several reasons. First, it provided great insight concerning the various stages of my own spiritual journey spanning more than 5 decades. Secondly, it gave perspective on my present, on-going quest to allow Christ to live in and through me in a way that impacts those around me. Thirdly, I believe that this work will provide a useful tool in mentoring many in various stages of their own pilgrimage. The scope of the material was awesome, the diversity of quotes from noteworthy personages was refreshing, and the honest, personal-life illustrations were encouraging. I heartily recommend this work to all in ministry and especially to all who are engaged in mentoring and coaching others in life and ministry.
—Dr. Frank Harvey, Founder and Bishop of Covenant Life Ministries, Clyde, North Carolina
As we journey through life we encounter different stages or seasons and it is God’s plan that we would grow spiritually through each of them – that we would gain a greater understanding of who we are in Christ. It has been my experience that not every season has felt like a growth stage, but in “Journey to Authenticity” Sonny Misar, in such a personal and practical way, helps us to see how God is shaping our lives in every season. You’ll be encouraged as you read and you’ll definitely want to dig deeper” into God’s plan for your amazing journey.
—Dale E. Hewitt, Senior Minister, Dreambuilders Church, Perth, Australia
This book is a pleasure to commend. It gives clear insight into the development of our spiritual identity. Journey to Authenticity is an interesting and helpful read for anyone wanting to understand God’s purposes for the different seasons in life.
—Pastor Jim McCracken, Leader of the TrueBridge family of churches, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
With a blend of wise spiritual counsel and the illumination of personal experience, the author presents a road map to help make sense of the changing terrain of life’s spiritual journey. Reading it you will discover that many of the puzzling or even painful experiences of your life actually came about as part of God’s developmental plan for you, his beloved child. I highly recommend this book for personal use and as a gift to other fellow travelers.
Paul F. Koehler, D. Min., President, King’s Commission Ministries, Inc., Author of Telling God’s Stories with Power
One of the most needed areas where the Church today needs clarity is in the whole arena of spiritual identity and its development. Too often the Church has been vague when it comes to its approach to the development of our growing identity in Christ. That’s why I am so eager to endorse this new work by Sonny Misar. Scripturally based and easy to grasp, Sonny’s work combines Scriptural clarity with practical insights gleaned from many years of experience as a pastor and leader in the Body of Christ. This work will go a long way in helping God’s people understand the stages involved in moving into spiritual maturity. I am happy to recommend it.
—Neil Silverberg, Team Leader, Masterbuilders, Cape Coral, Florida
Sonny Misar does an incredible job of describing the seasons of life we all go through. It is extremely helpful to understand the season of life that you are in, what you have just passed through, and where you are headed. It gives you a sense of security to know that what you are going through is “normal” and to find God in it. I found that this book surprised me as I read it and was fascinated to have my present season of life described so accurately. This is a book that comforts, challenges, and equips. Read it yourself and share it with others.
—David Wells, Team leader, Life Links International church network, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Sonny Misar’s book is a gem. With clarity and sensitivity he charts the journey that most of us will travel. He brings understanding and explanation to the cycles of life that we often plunge into and at a loss to know what to do. Journey to Authenticity gives hope and practical steps which will help us successfully negotiate our way through the various stages we are destined to pass. I thoroughly recommend this book and will be giving a copy to all of my colleagues and friends.
—Paul Reid, Senior Pastor, Christian Fellowship Church, Belfast, Ireland
In over 25 years since meeting Pastor Sonny Misar, I have met few men with such wise perspective, warm spirit, and positive faith in the Savior and His plan for His people. This rich book reflects the genuine wisdom and love of a spiritual father and mentor. Particularly, if you are in a tough, demanding, discouraging situation…you will be strengthened by reading and applying the truths therein. With Pastor Misar’s help you can find ‘the sweet center of your true identity in Christ.
—Pastor John Havener, New Testament Church, Lillian, Alabama
At a time when many are finding it difficult to ‘finish the race’ due to weariness and confusion,Pastor Sonny Misar has given us a practical road map to assist us in fulfilling our destiny. Journey to Authenticity will help you discover where you are at on the journey and what adjustments need to be made to hit the mark. And, as you see the big picture, your own identity in Christ will take on new meaning, compelling you to contend for your Kingdom destiny…A must read for all believers!
–Larry Borud, Pastor & Apostolic Team Member. Dir. of Dakota Prayer Network
“Pastor Sonny’s visit did not disappoint”
Having known Pastor Sonny and his family personally, I was excited to welcome him to come speak at our church. He did a great job clearly and visually presenting us with the practical road map found in his book, Journey to Authenticity. He made it easy for each and every church member to understand the inevitable cycles of our spiritual lives that we find ourselves in. Many people in our congregation were eager to buy his book and learn more.
As a Pastor, I want each of the 52 Sundays I get a year to be challenging and meaningful to those who attend our church. And Sonny’s visit did not disappoint.
I would highly recommend Sonny Misar to other Pastors. His heart and his ministry are greatly appreciated and we would gladly have him back.
—Pastor Rich Weller, Sr. Pastor of Northwest Assembly of God, Mount Prospect, Illinois
“rich with wisdom, yet practical enough for the new believer”
I met Sonny Misar a few years ago when he was in the process of writing the book Journey to Authenticity. Before I ever heard his “message” I became deeply impressed with the man. I had only known him for a few weeks but asked him to
teach the leaders of my church. Sometime later when his book was available I asked him to come and share the message with our church. We sold out of books that morning and we had to order more! We had him back to teach this invaluable insight at our last conference for ministers. It was an equal success there. Now, Sonny is developing this message into a course so that he can teach it in our Bible College.The Journey to Authenticity Seminar teaches us the process God uses to grow us into to mature followers of Christ. These insights help to remove the disappointment of past seasons and provide encouragement for the next. The Journey to Authenticity Seminar allows us to see and understand what God is doing in each season of our lives. It is rich with wisdom, yet practical enough for the new believer. This information is a must for those who have dedicated their life to follow Jesus!
—Pastor Nick Honerkamp, New Covenant Church, Clyde, North Carolina
“profoundly impacted”
When Sonny Misar came to minister to us, we didn’t exactly know what to expect, but we were pleasantly surprised and profoundly impacted at the insights revealed. Most of us want to be able to better understand our journey, and sometimes we need help making sense of some of the things we feel but don’t understand. Sonny’s teaching goes a long way in filling in many of those gaps. I would highly recommend that all pastors give their congregation and themselves a “gift” in bringing in Sonny and this teaching—you will not be disappointed!
—Pastor Doug Fulford, Senior Pastor, New Testament Fellowship, Pensacola, Florida
“reduced the amount of time that my leaders and I would have potentially spent in counseling”
As a pastor, it can be difficult to explain to individuals why they are going through what they’re going through if we don’t know where they are on their own spiritual journey. The Journey to Authenticity Seminar brought these answers and more to our church. It not only benefited every attendee with personal insight about their own walk, but has also reduced the amount of time that my leaders and I would have potentially spent in counseling. When people discover their seasons of life: where they’ve been, where they’re at and what they can expect, it brings great comfort and stability and many of the “why God” questions simply get resolved. In our seminar, people who had struggled with understanding their spiritual growth received fresh revelation. Others were re-inspired with purpose having discovered God’s orchestrations of their lives.
Sonny Misar does an excellent job of shaping this complex idea into an effective and easy to understand teaching. His passion and sense of humor make the seminar an event to look forward to. I highly recommend the JTA seminar for any church seeking to take the next step towards Christ-likeness!
—Pastor David Comer, Christian Life Fellowship, Cape Coral, Florida
“I’m really picky when it comes to who speaks in our church”
We were able to book Sonny to be our Men’s Retreat speaker and to share at our Sunday morning service last year to teach from his book Journey to Authenticity. To be honest with you, I’m really picky when it comes who speaks in our church & what books I recommend. Sonny did a fantastic job & I will have him in again.
At the retreat, he did a great job as a humble but effective teacher & friend. He encouraged all of us in our journey to become who Jesus has created us to be. Our guys walked away challenged & encouraged. On Sunday morning, he shared a masterful summary of his book that was helpful, relatable & inspiring. Personally, I’ve been blessed not only by Sonny’s investment in our church but his investment in my life.
—Jim Erickson, Senior Pastor, City Hill Church, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
“It is like watching a playback of your life with a running commentary!”
Journey to Authenticity is a modern day Pilgrim’s Progress. It brings a clear understanding of the mountain and valley experiences of the Christian. I believe that this book is an essential tool that will bless the ministry of every Christian Leader. During his seminar, Apostle Sonny Misar illuminates and simplifies the path of Christian spiritual formation. It is like watching a playback of your life with a running commentary! It gives you an understanding of your past and confidence for your future.
—Dr. Aaron Nartey Ami-Narh, MD, Sr. Pastor, District Five Apostolic Church, Ghana, Africa
“Tools…in the attainment of His purposes”
Pastor Sonny Misar came to Cornerstone Christian Church in Broomall, Philadelphia and inspired our congregation to persevere with growing in grace.
There is something healthy about discovering where we are in our journey with God. It is good to have a grasp on our current location, and realize God has a destination for each of us. It is comforting to understand that God is with us every step of the way and that new life is His goal for every part of our lives.
Pastor Sonny gave each of us “tools” to use in crafting our lives as we are directed by the spirit of God in the attainment of His purposes. What higher calling, and what greater joy and satisfaction can there be?
—Pastor Phillip Underwood, Cornerstone Christian Church, Broomall, Pennsylvania -
“impacted the spiritual life and mindset of the congregation”
Once in a while, one comes across an individual or an event that impacts one’s life in a profoundly beneficial way. Sonny Misar and Journey to Authenticity fall into this category.
I have had the pleasure and blessing of hosting the seminar Journey to Authenticity and to fellowship with Apostle Sonny Misar. This so impacted the spiritual life and mindset of the congregation to the extent that we have now adopted the theme “Moving From Good to Great In The Journey To Authenticity” as one of the goals of the fellowship.
The blessings I personally received from the seminar led me to recommend Sonny Misar and his ministry to the leading Apostolic Church Assembly in Ghana, West Africa. The National leader of the Apostolic Church UK and I, had the privilege of accompanying Sonny to Ghana. As expected, this ministry was well received and is continuing to be a blessing to the work in Ghana
I will greatly recommend the ministry of Sonny Misar (and his dear wife Becky) and Journey to Authenticity to any Christian leader who has the deep spiritual welfare of his congregation at heart.
—Abraham Sackey (FCCA), Senior pastor, All Nations Centre, The Apostolic Church – United Kingdom